The most up-to-date worship schedule is found on our home-page.
We are a traditional Episcopal Church and our style of worship follows a liturgy or an order of service.
Click here for more on worship in the Episcopal Church.
We believe that “God Loves You, No Exceptions” and welcome all who enter. We have service dogs, children in costumes, toddlers roaming, teens in jeans (and adults too), ladies in hats, and men in sandals.
Click here to check our calendar for any time or location changes or check posts on our Facebook page.
Worship Schedule
8:30 am in-person said service and 10:30 am in-person with music.
9:30 am Zoom Worship
*Ante Communion Service Zoom
(Meeting ID- 766598 8948)
To call in using your landline or mobile phone,
(646) 558-8656 (Meeting ID: 766 598 8948)
**Children’s Sermons will be offered at any service
where there are children present.
*Ante Communion is the part of the Episcopal service of Holy Communion up to or including the prayer for the whole state of Christ’s church that is used separately with a blessing when there is no Communion. Since the in-person services are services of Holy Communion, the service of Ante Communion is being offered on Zoom as a way to unify our prayers and worship experience.
**Children/babies are welcome at our services.