Joan Van Wormer Legacy Party – November 20, 2022

Joan VanWormer has been playing the organ at St. Andrew’s for over 70 years. There were some breaks for college and children, but she has been the “music” of St. Andrew’s and offered a wonderful talent and spirit that will live on as she is now Music Director Emerita!
Getting ready for Joani’s final service as Music Director
The 10:30 am service with a very full choir and Rev. June Hardy Dorsey, Rector, and Rev. Brian Wilbert assisting.
Some photos after the service!
The Celebration!
Remarks and the presentation, Sr. Warden, Amy Kellogg, Rev. June Hardy Dorsey, Bishop Mark Hollingsworth, Rev. Brian Wilbert, State Representative Gayle Manning, Mark Skladan, and Katherine Plank.