Faith Formation

Christian Faith Formation for Children – Music, liturgy, and intergenerational events are the foundation of Christian formation for children at St. Andrew’s Elyria.  All children are welcome to participate in our activities.

Pre-school age children and older are encouraged to participate in St. Andrew’s Choristers.
The choristers sing on scheduled Sundays throughout the year (see calendar)  Rehearsals are typically planned one to two Sundays prior to the event and occur either during or after the 10:30 worship service. Most rehearsals last about 15 minutes.

Liturgy is transformed during the children’s sermon that is offered during the Sunday 10:30 am worship service.  Interactive activities, puppetry, and stories help children explore faith and grow with God.

Intergenerational Events
Intergenerational  events follow the faith and traditions of the Episcopal community.  Specials events are planned around All Saints Sunday, Advent, Lent and Pentecost (see calendar)

Youth – please click here for Youth Group information.

Adult Christian Formation – Check the calendar for special sessions scheduled throughout the year.

Safe Church Policy for Children and Youth
St. Andrew’s has established a “Safe Church Policy” for children and youth. The purpose of this policy is to define the procedures to mitigate risks and protect children from deliberate or unintentional acts of physical and or emotional harm while participating in parish sponsored activities.  

The authority with which leaders — ordained persons, adults who minister with minors (children and youth), youth in leadership roles, and adults who minister with vulnerable humans — are entrusted, creates an inherent power imbalance in the pastoral relationship. This power imbalance derives from the leadership role and, in the case of clergy, the symbolic authority of an ordained person. Christian leadership is intended to provide occasions for guidance and grace, and its abuse is always and unequivocally wrong.

The Safe Church program encompasses three main components: 

  • Training for individuals in the prevention of children and youth from abuse
  • Policies to protect children and youth from abuse adapted at each parish
  • Diocesan-wide polices to protect children and youth from abuse