Meet the Leadership

Rev. June Hardy Dorsey, Rector


Deacon Jane Trager

Ben Holcomb
Director of Children and Youth Ministries

Mark Skladan – Music Director

Jesse Varner – Parish Administrator

Bill Taylor – Sexton

Karen Ennes – Bookkeeper

Jane McDonald – Assistant Treasurer

Senior Warden – Kathy Kerber
Junior Warden – Hans VanWormer
Clerk – Michelle VanWormer
Treasurer – Doug Skladan
Members:  Karen Hahn, Allison Harris, Judi Hudnutt, Amy Kellogg, Amanda Nagy, Jon Quisenberry, Lindsey Varga

St. Andrew’s has four commissions to coordinate the ministries of St. Andrew’s. Task groups work in specific areas of ministry under the oversight of the respective commissions.  Committees are formed for a specific task for a specific period of time and are dissolved when the task is complete. (The Audit Committee is appointed each year.)

The Congregational Development Commission – Greg Hebble
– Inviting and Welcoming
– Parish Life
– Outreach
– Christian Formation (Adults, Children and Intergenerational)
– Library
– Pastoral Care
– Lenten Fish Fry and other fundraisers
The following committees will relate with this commission and continue to work on the goals established for them through the Strategic Plan:
– Connecting Communities Committee
– Communications Committee

Resource Management Commission – Barb Prior 
– Building and grounds
– Finance
– Stewardship
– Holy Currencies
*The Creation Care Committee relates with this commission and continue to work on the goals being established.
**Together with Worship Commission, the Resource Management Commission, Buildings and Grounds Task Group coordinates the Carillon Ministry.

Worship Commission – TBA for 2024
Altar Guild
– Eucharistic Ministers
– Eucharistic Visitors
– Music
– Worship Ministries: Acolytes, Lectors, Intercessors, Ushers
– Liturgy and Service Schedule
– Columbarium Committee
– Worship Service “Fresh Look” Committee
*Together with the Buildings and Grounds Task Group of the Resource Management Commission, the Worship Commission coordinates the Carillon Ministry

Youth Ministry Commission – Judi Hudnutt
Together with the Youth Minister, the commission facilitates ministry with youth and their families from our parish and communities.  It continues to integrate our youth into all aspects of our parish life.

DIOCESAN AND NATIONAL LEADERSHIP The Rt. Rev. Anne B. Jolly, Bishop of Ohio
The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop and Primate
Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury (Worldwide spiritual leader)