Sunday Faith Formation

Sunday School (updated fall 2022)
Christian formation activities for children will resume on Sundays 9:45 am to 10:20 am, starting October 2, 2022. 

Godly Play – Children age 3 through first grade are invited to attend Godly Play. This program, led by Karen Hahn, introduces young children to the Bible and prayer. Storytelling, art, music, and of course play are used to build a strong foundation of faith. Godly Play is located on the second floor in the “Upper Room.”

Growing with God – Children in second grade and beyond are invited to attend Sunday school with Kathy Kerber. A Christian formation curriculum for small groups of mixed age elementary grades is used. The early fall units focus on the prophets transitioning in late fall to Advent activities. This group meets in the second floor classroom.

Youth – please click here for Youth Group information.

Adult Christian Formation
(Currently on hiatus)